` Lions Club Brussels Heraldic supports Relay for Life fight against cancer | Lions Heraldic

Lions Club Brussels Heraldic supports Relay for Life fight against cancer

Lions Club Brussels Heraldic supports Relay for Life fight against cancer

Relay for Life is a global Cancer awareness  activity with thousands of communities around the world engaging in a 24 hour continuous walk or jogging marathon to raise both funds and awareness to combat this terrible disease. Amidst a carnival atmosphere in the grounds of Saint John's School in Waterloo, hundreds of participants in June began mid-day Saturday to walk or run 24 hours  around a candle-lit circular course through the afternoon, evening and night, ending noon on Sunday. In the early hours of the morning, thinking of loved ones lost and still surviving, there is an ethereally moving atmosphere.  This June Lions from Brussels Heraldic and Brussels Charlemagne join Relay for Life to show that Lions, too, care. Cancer is a terrible disease that has affected everyone's lives. Many of us know someone who has either been directly or indirectly affected by this scourge. As awful as the disease is, there are many ways for us to fight back. Relay for Life is our way of saying, Lions are thinking of you.