` InterHash Event in Brussels | Lions Heraldic

InterHash Event in Brussels

InterHash Event in Brussels


In the last week of a hot Belgian July some 2,700 strange runners from around the world (Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, Japan…) descended on  a sun blessed Brussels for their bi-annual party, InterHash. A fun event – InterHash is a cocktail of 15,000 litres of fine Belgian beer, tricky running trails in 30 locations in and around Brussels and as far away as Antwerp, Leuven and Namur. Hashers are a fun loving community with a quaint mixture of beer and jogging (drinkers with a running problem, in their own words).

Lions Heraldic was the official partner of InterHash. Lions David Zaruk and Terry  Davidson backed by an Heraldic team managed the logistics of shipping beer  for thirsty runners throughout the 5-day event. Heraldic Lions, friends, wives and in-laws volunteered driving 3.5 ton vans for the festival, manning the beer and wine bars in the gigantic venue of Tour&Taxis as well as selling Lions raffle tickets to generous Hashers.

After an exhausting but successful 4 days, recent Lions member and beer van driver Jacques Neyns sums up :  “ Thanks guys, I want to thank you all for the amazing work done this week-end. It was just incredible.  My family enjoyed it very much, Hilde even came to the meeting points in Leuven and helped us with the setup of the drinks. She even brought me and my Hasher co-pilot chicken wings for lunch. Today she is completed washed out, she went to back to sleep when I left this morning at 7 am. My daughter had a wonderful time at the wine bar and my son in law enjoyed his van driving exploit. As for me, I have never opened so many beer bottles as we did on Saturday evening. From the opening of the bar until closing time it was a constant line of thirsty Hashers begging for beer. It was real fun, I was tired but enjoyed myself.”

Interhash contributions to Heraldic could eventually exceed € 20,000 and will be dedicated to Heraldic charities. As many Lions-friendly Hash members remarked to Heraldic volunteers. “ You Brussels Lions are  wonderful. We can say from our hearts that without you  our InterHash event would never have been a tremendous success.”  And for the beer……Lions really served.

  • ons Terry with 2 Hashers is joined by his grandkids Theo and Nine at the Cinquantenaire collection point for busing Hashers to their trails around Belgium.
    ons Terry with 2 Hashers is joined by his grandkids Theo and Nine at the Cinquantenaire collection point for busing Hashers to their trails around Belgium.
  • Lion van driver Ian Dalryrmple takes over the Antwerp  beer run accompanied by his faithful canine friend Hamish.
    Lion van driver Ian Dalryrmple takes over the Antwerp beer run accompanied by his faithful canine friend Hamish.